Saturday, April 16, 2016

Por los ojos de los niños

When asked about this trip to Honduras, Marta, 14, shared that it had been a "really great experience".  She and her brother Gabe and sister Louisa, had never traveled out of the U.S. before now.  They were skeptical that they could help the medical team and nervous about their Spanish. Marta noted that "lots of people I know talk about helping the people of the third world, and we got the chance to actually meet people in poor villages in Honduras."

Marta, Gabe and Louisa helped organize the medicines for the physician that was dispensing them.

They helped Leigh (their Mom) draw pictures with the children of the villages.  From the smiles on their faces, both the local children and Louisa, Gabe and Marta understood each other well and really enjoyed their mornings.  Tessa started a game of "Pato, Pato, gonzo" (duck, duck, goose).  Everyone had fun with and laughter could be heard throughout the village.
Marta said she really enjoyed playing soccer each day with the children near the clinic.  She felt that everyone playing really loves the game.

Everyone, local kids, visiting kids (she and Gabe and Louisa), clinic staff and local ENLACE workers (ChIcho and Ivan), and adult team members, united in a common purpose.  Everyone laughed, joked, cheered, high-dived, and hugged.  She felt "close to all of them" in these games.
Marta, Gabe and Louisa all hope to return to help a "Brigada" team in Honduras "soon".  Overall "this has been a really great trip Mom and Dad".

- Matt

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